海力首页>液压扳手>A2 Dedicated Series EziJac

A2 Dedicated Series EziJac


A2 Dedicated EziJac
the forces
screwed onto the
the standard nut, the required pressure is applied to stretch the bolt to its
load。 The pressure is relieved,
Dedicated Thread Stud Tensioners
associated with using larger tensioning
applications which do not require interchangeability
EziJacs can be interlinked to provide even amounts of simultaneous
multiple studs or bolts as required。 Produced from high strength alloy steel, EziJac
the requirements
of a specific application。

Suitable for:
The hynew® is suitable for use where:
Accurate and reliable loading is required on bolting。
Vibrational or torsional stresses are a problem。
Regular maintenance requires repeated adjustment or removal of nuts。
There are confined and difficult nut locations。
Simultaneous tightening of bolts is required (eg: Flanges)
No torque means used (eg: Foundation Bolts)

• Reduces maintenance down time。
• Improves safety on the job by eliminating hammer tightening。
• Gives reliable and precise tensioning。
• Is user friendly - fast to fit and remove。
• Requires little physical effort。
• Is ideal for confined spaces or difficult locations。
• Multiple tensioning for leak-free flange makeup。


Although smaller and lighter than many competitive types, EziJac Stud Tensioners are capable of
high application forces。 The higher forces generated by EziJac devices permit their use with bolts
of very high tensile strength, for example, in bolting of highly stressed assemblies or those prone to
destructive vibration。
Operation of EziJac at typical lower charge pressures requires less use of costly pumping equipment,
and with an improved degree of safety。 All EziJac tensioners are designed to use seals which can
be easily replaced in minutes, eliminating expensive repairs。

Currently used in:
• Mining & Quarrying
• Oil & Gas
• Marine
• Power Generation
• Structural
• Heavy Equipment in general industry
• Chemical Plants

A2 Dedicated EziJac Specifications

转载请注明:江苏海力液压扳手 http://www.hynew.com.cn

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