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hynew Hydraulic Nut Application


CASE STUDY-1 Coal Mine
Application: Rio Tinto - CHPP - Securing Drive Motor in Place on HonertScreen (Drive Motors)

Original Set-Up: Double Hex Nut
Issues Experienced: Time consuming, could not tighten nuts sufficiently & it is dangerous。

Technofast Product Used: hynew Hydraulic Nuts EM36X40-088-001

Benefits Experienced: Improved Safety & Reduced time to install and remove

Feedback Received: “We have improved the task safety by eliminating the extreme effort
required to tension the fasteners holding the drive motor in place。
The process is faster and safer and I would recommend the product
for similar applications” Maintenance Planner CHPP
CASE STUDY 2- Coal Mine
Application: BMA Dragline - Drag Drum Pedestal Bolts

Original Set-Up: Hex nuts & a hammer (flogging spanner)
Issues Experienced: Safety concerns due to heavy manual handling

Technofast Product Used: hynew Hydraulic Nuts

Benefits Experienced: Improved Safety

Feedback Received: “Definitely a safety advantage。 By using tensioning products we
are continually reducing the need for heavy manual handling”
Mechanical Planner
CASE STUDY-3 Coal Mine
CASE STUDY: CS-06 Coal Mine

Application: Rio Tinto - 9020 Dragline - Motor Alignment

Original Set-Up: Hex Nut and washer and flogging spanner

Issues Experienced: Time consuming to get motors aligned accurately & safety
concerns due to strike injuries。

Time Required to Complete: Up to 3 Hours

Technofast Product Used: 2” hynew Hydraulic Nuts (Long Stroke)

Benefits Experienced: Improved Safety, simultaneous tensioning provides fast
Alignment and removes need to re-adjust - reducing downtime。

Time Required to Complete: 30 minutes

Feedback Received: “No need to check if bolts are tight due to hydraulic load
applied “ Dragline Planner- Mechanical
CASE STUDY-4 Steel Mill
Application: OneSteel - 3UR Rougher Mill cheek plates

Original Set-Up: Cheek Plate Wedges and a hammer

Issues Experienced: Operations personnel were required to enter a cramped and awkward
space to manually undo a 300mm long threaded bar to remove the cheek
plate wedges on the 3UR Roughing Mill at Steel Products during a roll
change。 The wedges would often get jammed, requiring the operator to
‘bash’ out the wedges with a hammer, causing many sprains, strains and
injuries over the years。 After all 4 wedges are removed from the cheek
plates, the rolls can be removed from the mill and the new rolls can then
be inserted。 The 4 wedges then need to be re-installed by the operator,
which requires the same unsafe, awkward task。

Technofast Product Used: Hydraulic Push Pull Cylinder (Specifically designed for this application)

Benefits Experienced: Reduced roll change times by approx。 20mins per roll change, Reduced
section control delays through a reduction in variation, Improved current
process control over rollings, which will result in fewer delays and less
product being scraped, Reduced operational delays, Significant reduction
in crossed flanges on rolled product, Eliminating the need for manual
labour during set-up, which has caused incidents in the past。 Thus safety
has been improved。

Feedback Received: With changing market conditions arising from the global financial crisis,
Steel Products has seen a big focus on reducing delays, reducing waste
and improving product quality。 The conversion of the 3UR Roughing Mill
cheek plates at a unique hydraulic clamping arrangement has delivered
many improvements to Steel Products, such as reducing roll change
times, reducing operational delays。 Reducing section control delays and
improving product dimensional quality。 Mechanical Reliability Engineer
for Steel Products

转载请注明:江苏海力液压扳手 http://www.hynew.com.cn

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