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Tensioner Application


CASE STUDY: Manufacturing

Application: Alfa Laval - Plate Heat Exchangers

Original Set-Up: Nut runners

Issues Experienced: Time consuming, lack of control and difficulty in applying
consistent and even pressures on the plates。

Technofast Product Used: FastaJacs

Benefits Experienced: FastaJacs save on production, labour and maintenance costs
for manufacturers of plate heat exchangers。
The use of a lightweight hollow cylinder jack in conjunction with
the patented ‘Tri Nut’ allows the compression of plates to be
carried out evenly, squarely and efficiently。 The hydraulic
cylinders simultaneously compress the plates。

Feedback Received: “Using the 4 FastaJacs at one time has allowed us to complete
this process faster and compressed the plates evenly”
Maintenance Supervisor

转载请注明:江苏海力液压扳手 http://www.hynew.com.cn

上一篇:hynew Hydraulic Nut Application
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